Based on our vision and philosophy, we are dedicated to supporting and developing all aspects of a strong, vibrant school.
Every student will be provided with:
  • School health, safety and environment.
  • Regular educational services for all students in a productive and safe environment.
  • Additional academic care plans and remedial programs to meet the needs of all students.
  • Sports playground and a swimming pool.
  • Extracurricular activities after school, focusing on the personal, psychological and physical growth of each students.
  • Catering - Healthy meal for every child.
  • Attractive classroom environment, equipped with the latest educational technology tools.
  • Virtual Reality education - Mini cinema
  • Effective tools of communication, to ensure that the parents are aware about everything that happens in the school and enables them to follow their children progress actively.
  • Field trips and external activities that focus on engaging students in community life and developing strong relationships with their peers, and linking the curriculum to real life.
  • Digital literacy and numeracy through platforms, to develop the abilities of students in Arabic, English and mathematics while they are at home.
  • Support community: Parents are an essential part of Alhasad's community
  • Interactive website of the school