Our Vision
Pursuit of excellence, character building, and instill values

Our Mission
The Mission of our school is to enable and inspire our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world.

Our Values
We instill in all students empathy, open mindedness, honesty, and respect for themselves and others.

Our Philosophy

Our school provides the opportunity to acquire an excellent education through diverse and in-depth learning experiences. Education is an on-going process and we encourage students to embrace the ever-changing global challenges of the future.
Recognizing that not all learning takes place in the classroom, we offer a programme of extra-curricular activities where students can further develop individual potentials, leadership skills and self-esteem.
We stress not only the development of the individual but also the importance of teamwork and living meaningfully and effectively in a larger world society.

Our Goals
- Promote open-mindedness, tolerance for multiple perspectives and knowledge of the Omani culture.
- Provide quality education following a curriculum that prepares students for successful transition into society as university entrants or other industrious members of a productive future.
- Stress high expectations for personal achievement where students can fully develop their innate potential.
- Develop higher level cognitive skills, strategic thinking in the use of these skills, rich content of knowledge, deep understanding of concepts, and an effective use of technology.
- Emphasize cooperative learning and teaching across the curriculum.
- Provide educational guidance and direction to foster healthy social development by emphasizing :
  • A holistic perspective encompassing the physical, cognitive, emotional, and ethical growth and development of all.
  • The importance of personal integrity, self-evaluation, individual responsibility for attitude, behavior, and lifelong learning.
  • Family and community responsibility while maintaining respect for the dignity and worth of every individual.
  • A commitment to compassionate and non-violent means of conflict resolution in all personal relationships.
  • A pro-active stance towards environmental issues and the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • The relative importance of competition and value of fair play.